Tuesday, July 24, 2007

God is Good!

As I think about our journey to Zachary, I am amazed at how we arrived at this point. We had requested an older girl and toddler aged boys. We were almost expecting to receive a referral for an infant. But, God had His plan for our family so beautifully mapped out and used those disappointments to get us to Zachary. Through the different stages of our journey, we had prepared ourselves for an older child and a boy. Now we know who he is!

We recognize the challenges of adopting an older child. We know that we have some difficult times ahead. But we also know that we have some incredibly wonderful times ahead! God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. And we love Him! Therefore, He made these plans for us and Zach for our good! We know that Zachary has been planned by God to be the perfect addition to our family, regardless of the inability to communicate, at first. Regardless of the struggles he may have because of his institutionalization. We know that we are the family Zach was supposed to be in, regardless of where he was born. He was meant to be here, with us, as our son and brother. We joyfully look forward to his homecoming.

We are thankful for family and friends who are rejoicing with us as we look forward to this new chapter in our lives. We are thankful for the fact that our local elementary school has an ESL teacher that speaks Mandarin Chinese (whose husband said of his wife and Zach "they are going to get along famously!"). We are thankful for the existence of a Bible based church in Edina that holds services in Mandarin each Sunday, where Zach can hopefully keep his Chinese language skills fine tuned, as well as learn about our precious Savior in a language he understands.

We are praising God for being with us on this next step of the journey He called us on two years ago.

1 comment:

Megan said...

It is great to be reminded that God is interested in the details...like an ESL teacher at the local school who speaks Mandarin! And it is such a blessing to see how God has been preparing your family...three girls who don't mind sharing a room so that they can bring their brother home! What an impact God is already having through Zachary...we are encouraged and excited to see the work He is doing through all of this!

The Olsons